Biglietto di ingresso unico: Tar Pits e museo di La Brea
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Biglietto di ingresso unico: Tar Pits e museo di La Brea
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Biglietto di ingresso unico: Tar Pits e museo di La Brea

2 h
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Da sapere su questa attività
Il biglietto è valido per i Tar Pits e per il museo di La Brea. Proprio qui, nel cuore di L.A., sono stati rinvenuti numerosi fossili dell'era glaciale
Vivi un'esperienza unica con tutto quello che questa attrazione può offrirti. Ammira il lago di asfalto gorgogliante, e viaggia indietro nel tempo tra le piante preistoriche del giardino pleistocenico; osserva gli scavi in corso e i ricercatori all'opera mentre classificano i fossili portati alla luce.
Nel museo potrai ammirare una vasta raccolta di fossili preistorici di esemplari come mammut, smilodonte e bradipo terricolo, oppure osservare i paleontologi all'opera nel Fossil Lab, mentre classificano gli ultimi reperti rinvenuti.
Se vuoi goderti al massimo questa esperienza, prenotati per l'Excavator Tour, incluso nel costo del biglietto. Questo straordinario tour guidato ti porterà alla scoperta della storia delle pozze di catrame e ti farà capire come un numero così elevato di animali preistorici vi finì intrappolato. Potrai inoltre visitare diversi siti di scavi, come Fossil Lab, Observation Pit e Project 23, dove i ricercatori sono costantemente all'opera per svelare i misteri dell'epoca preistorica di Los Angeles
Scopri di più Mostra di meno
  • Tutte le tasse, spese e spese di gestione
  • Escavatore
  • Ingresso - La Brea Tar Pits and Museum
Non incluso
  • Foto ricordo (disponibili per l'acquisto)
  • Riceverai una conferma al momento della prenotazione
  • Accessibile in sedia a rotelle
  • Coinvolge una moderata quantità di deambulazione
3 | 2017-10-26

Wasn't much different from my last trip there nearly 20 years ago. Not much interactive, just bones in displays mainly. The reconstructed skeletons were cool, but there wasn't a lot to keep the kids interested, it took all of half an hour to see it all. The one movie wasn't running and the other movie didn't seem to be letting people in, maybe I misinterpreted it, but no one there seemed very friendly or inviting, and there were only a handful of other people in the museum. We did see several school buses as we were pulling in they getting ready to leave so maybe the staff was overwhelmed from the kids. The grounds were nice, but we choose the hottest day of the year to visit, so couldn't enjoy the outdoors much. They were doing much in the pits because of the heat and there wasn't much signage to inform about the pits, only that most of the work had been done 30 years ago. They have built a huge modern art museum on the same grounds, but my grandkids aren't much into modern and contemporary art. We did go to the Farmers Market and the Hollywood walk of fame then up to Griffith Park Observatory, the observatory was the highlight of the trip. I spent 12 to park at the museum, which was half what I spent on the 3 tickets, seems awfully high price to park for an hour.

Ariana B
4 | 2017-08-29

Very cool. Lots of interesting facts and info about past researchers in the area, animals that used to roam the LA La Brea area and the asphalt/tar pits in general. My son wasn't as impressed, but definitely a fun place to visit and learn about those who've lived well before us, animals and humans alike!

Silver Lake
5 | 2017-08-14

Grandsons along with us enjoyed this exhibit. Learned alot!

Carol C
5 | 2017-08-06

Wonderful experience for my family from France. Great learning experience for my 5 year old grandson loved the bones and tar! Little 13 mo. old interested in sights and sounds... Area around the Tar Pits great for walking and lunch. Highly recommend getting tickets on-line and getting there early.

Vishal S
5 | 2016-07-25

Excellent place to visit! I was astound to see all real fossils on display and you can live in your past thousands of years while watching them in present :

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